About Capify

When you turn to Capify for new business loans in , you should know that you’re working with the first lender in the country to offer alternative and accessible lending options. The entire team is dedicated to helping you as you look for financing options, so you can hit your goals and keep moving forward. We have over 13 years of experience dating back to the financial crisis and understand that you may be under pressure at this time. So, our entire team is flexible and adaptive and will always be sympathetic to your situation.

Customers who have worked with us in the past know that we will always look for the best solution and never make any assumptions about your case. We have built up a great deal of knowledge and experience over these years, so we can find alternative lending options that will perfectly fit your requirements. As such, we believe this gives us a keen edge over other lenders in the marketplace.

Worried entrepreneurs turned to us for new business loans in during the global financial crisis in 2008, as they were under more pressure than ever during those difficult times. Our team members knew that we had to work particularly hard to develop responsible but quick business finance options, and we were proud to help them through those dark days. Fast forward to modern times, and we can use the experience gained back then to help owners navigate today’s challenging environment.

Remember, Capify can provide funding options to help cover a range of different situations and is always on hand to support small business owners in .